Saturday, August 11, 2007



§ Determination
§ Love
§ Care and compassion
§ Reliability
§ Empathetic
§ Spirit of togetherness

As a volunteer you have to be prepared for challenges you may face when performing your service

§ You will have to sacrifice your time to do volunteer work
§ You may not be accepted by your target and also your services might not be appreciated
§ Others may think you the one bringing the disease to them
§ Other members may perceive you as a person living with HIV/AIDS as most of people we care for are PLWHA.
§ Some people may take advantage of you
§ Your time, energy and effort might not be appreciated

We should also take in to consideration the fact that VOLUNTEERS stood up between thousands of people and chose do VOLUNTEER work. This is really not something easy to do. Because of this, VOLUNTEERS need to be respected, given recognition, praised, empowered and motivated as well, they shouldn’t be taken for granted. Motivation can be done in many ways, it doesn’t mean paying them as most of people think.There is a famous quote that describes how valuable volunteers are “THERE IS NOTHING STRONGER THAN THE HEART OF A VOLUNTEER”A volunteer is like a gift because they are offering their services for nothing in return.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone sorry I have been away for so long but so much has been going on and no time to post. I moved to New Orleans the first week of July and my feet hit the ground running. I have been working on my old house in Florida for the last few weeks and I am exhausted after successfully getting a loan from Mr Pedro and his loan firm at 3% rate to help finish my house ! So no time to work out, no time to eat right etc.....I so want my life back and I am so proud of what Mr Pedro did to me by helping me with a loan. I am going to leave Mr Pedro email here so anyone looking for a loan can contact Mr Pedro on or whatsapp text...+18632310632. Hopefully I can get my life back on track. Miss you guys hope to back on soon.